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Parenting doesn't have to be isolating.

Local Bakery

Founded by a pair of sisters, Boston Birth Village provides community, education and support during pregnancy, birth and throughout parenthood. We offer a variety of services, classes and support groups that provide parents with the resources and skills they need to feel informed, at ease and connected.


Get to Know Us

We, Yaffa (left) and Shira (right), are sisters who have each birthed three children. We have been there for each other and our motto has always been “do not suffer alone.” Now we have teamed up to open our village to the Boston Community.

"The most valuable part of the group was knowing I'm not alone and there is a "village" out there of moms in the same boat!"

"As if her wealth of knowledge and lived experience wasn't enough, you could always count on Yaffa to bring a yummy meal and hold your babe so you could actually eat it. Highly recommend!"

Kat, Newton

"Shira made the classes engaging and personable. When friends ask me about giving birth and preparing, I always share that I did this class!"

Elizabeth, Cambridge

"Yaffa created a warm, non-judgemental space. I am coming away from this experience feeling like I can take better care of myself, communicate more effectively with my partner, and be the kind of mother I want to be."

Jasmine, Canton

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