Want to avoid induction? Here are some tips to encourage labor to start and progress naturally:
1️⃣ Stay active: Walking and gentle exercises can help stimulate contractions. Get your body into poses that help the pelvis open!

2️⃣ Try relaxation techniques: Stress can delay labor, so practice deep breathing or meditation to stay calm. Labor is 90% mental and 10% physical. Yes. you read that correctly. This is a mental game. Practice ways to stay calm and relaxed, even happy! This will increase oxytocin naturally and keep contractions going.
3️⃣ Stay hydrated: Dehydration can hinder labor progress, so drink plenty of water. I also love to recommend anything with electrolytes like coconut water or Gatorade. This a marathon, people! Drinking also helps with emptying your bladder which helps keep baby moving down. So many reasons to hydrate!

4️⃣ Stay positive: your body was designed to do this and doesn’t have a clock. Worry tenses us up. Positivity relaxes us and increases Oxytocin which we need for contractions! Use mantras like "my body was made to do this." "Every contraction brings me closer to my baby." "I am strong." SO STRONG!
Remember, every pregnancy is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. Some people swear by acupuncture, acupressure or other natural remedies to kickstart labor - there are many ideas out there!
Pep Talk: An induction is also okay and it’s not a reflection on you. You are not a failure for needing an induction. Let me repeat: you did nothing wrong if you need an induction! ALSO you can still have an unmedicated birth with an induction (I did this twice!)! You can also have a medicated birth that feels empowering! There is not one right way to birth - we are here to support you no matter what. You got this! 🙌
If you want to learn more about having our doulas at your birth, or if you'd like to join our childbirth education class where we go over all of this and MUCH MORE, click below!